Welcome to my Life

I have always been a very private person. Not too many post on social media. But life always  has something in store for you. More you shy away from things the more they chase you. On insistence from family and friends I have taken up blogging to share my many journeys along with my learning.

Being born in a family where more than 80% members are Osho followers was a blessing. I have grown up seeing my family members meditating, celebrating and laughing together as a child. I have had the opportunity to be in the presence of the Great Master Osho. As a child this never seemed to be a blessing though .. was more of a bane.. Will surely write on this sometime later.

I have been very confused as a teenager and in early twenties whether my family was a forward thinking progressive one or an orthodox one. Now I realize my family was much more ahead of the times than most of the families but at times would get drowned in some orthodox or societal norms which is quiet natural. As a family they too were discovering, growing and learning with each experience. For sure I knew one thing always that many different people coexisted with varied beliefs and principle as one big happy close knit family. Everyone’s space was preserved and never invaded. No one ever judged the other person for being a certain way. Growing up was a mix of varied experiences, beliefs, fears, cultures, people, etc.

As I look back I see so many journeys… its overwhelming… Loads of writings to come soon.. Stay tuned.